The Board of Education of the Lyons-Decatur School District No. 20 met in regular session on Monday, August 14, 2023, in the Secondary Library. Present were Archer, Bacon, Brehmer, Christiansen, …


The Board of Education of the Lyons-Decatur School District No. 20 met in regular session on Monday, August 14, 2023, in the Secondary Library. Present were Archer, Bacon, Brehmer, Christiansen, Miller, Myers, Petersen, Troutman, and Vlach. Lisa Christiansen opened the meeting at 7:32 p.m. Superintendent Report: We have 50 new students entering the district this school year: 29 K – 12th grade students and 21 new preschoolers. We have 18 students attending P2T this year, 8 are going in the morning and 10 are attending in the afternoon. We applied for and were awarded the fresh fruit and vegetable grant program for our elementary. The elementary will be receiving fruit and vegetable snacks twice each week. The NASB area membership meeting in Fremont will be held on September 20th. Discussion was held on the increase on the Alicap Insurance rates for the year. Principal Report: We had 12 staff members volunteer and take a variety of professional development courses and workshops this summer. They covered areas relating SEL, Cultural Connections, High Ability Learners, and Admin Days. The professional development plan for 2023-2024 has been scheduled to align with the school improvement goals set by the school improvement team for the next 5-year cycle. There are lots of back-to-school events taking place, everyone is encouraged to follow our social media sites and website to get the most up-to-date information and calendars. The Building and Grounds Committee met for our bi-weekly meetings with Clark & Enersen and Boyd Jones on August 3rd. The following motions were made: 1. To approve the consent agenda. 2. To suspend the regular meeting and open the student fees policy hearing at 7:47 P.M. Discussion on Student Fee Policy 5045 3. To close the student fees policy hearing and re-open the regular meeting at 7:50 p.m. 4. To suspend the regular meeting and open the parental involvement policy hearing at 7:51 P.M. Discussion on Parental Involvement Policy 5018 5. To close the parental involvement policy hearing and re-open the regular meeting at 7:51 P.M. 6. To approve board policies: 5001 Attendance/Excessive Absenteeism, 5018 Parental Involvement, 5045 Student Fees, 5052 Wellness, 5054 Bullying, and 5057 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, as presented. 7. To approve the base growth percentage of the property tax request authority for the district. 8. To to approve the staff handbook for 2023-2024, as presented. The end-of-year and budget planning meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 28th at 7:30 p.m. The regular September board meeting and budget hearing is scheduled for Monday, September 11th at 7:30 p.m. Lisa Christiansen closed the meeting at 8:27 p.m. GENERAL FUND "95 PERCENT GROUP, LLC", 77.00, AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, "4,124.54", AMAZON, 75.09, "BEAUDETTE, LINDSEY ", 615.58, BEST WESTERN PLUS, 169.00, BW PLUS MID NE INN & SUITES, 745.00, CDW-G, 57.89, CENGAGE LEARNING, 434.70, CITY OF LYONS, "5,312.42", CLASSIC CLEAN CARWASH, 24.00, CLEARFLY, 128.78, CNA AUTO SERVICES, 275.39, DATA CLASSROOM INC, 250.00, "DIGITAL DOT SYSTEMS, INC.", "1,448.00", EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, 38.99, EBSCO ACCOUNTS RECEIVEABLE, 411.00, EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #2, "3,010.00", FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA, 329.53, FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC, 75.02, FRANCISCAN HEALTHCARE, 334.14, GOPHER, 187.49, GREAT MINDS PBC, "2,559.90", HANDS OF HEARTLAND, "2,413.90", "HOME DEPOT PRO, THE ", "2,193.31", HOMETOWN LEASING, 691.87, HUDL, "4,000.00", INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS, "1,425.15", IXL LEARNING, "3,825.00", "JOURNEYED.COM, INC", 500.00, "KB'S MINI MART, INC.", "1,713.27", "KROGER, MAXINE ", 385.00, KSB SCHOOL LAW, 100.00, "LARSON, JON ", "1,284.36", "LARSON, KENDRA ", 19.52, LORENSEN LUMBER & GRAIN, 329.53, LYONS MIRROR SUN, 242.66, MACKIN, "2,007.74", "MARYOTT, CARRIE ", 153.08, "MATHESON TRI-GAS, INC", 440.28, MEL'S SMALL ENGINES, 89.00, MENARDS, 7.98, MOSYLE MANAGER, 12.33, N C S A, 675.00, NATIONAL ART & SCHOOL SUPPLIES INC., 513.24, NEBRASKA SAFETY CENTER, 270.00, OPC DIRECT., "1,132.65", PITNEY BOWES INC, 200.00, PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL, 57.73, QUILL CORPORATION, 187.95, RENAISSANCE LEARNING, "4,430.50", SCHOLASTIC INC, 648.97, SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLY INC, 24.09, SCOTT'S HARDWARE, 5.98, SENOR WOOLY, 150.00, SENOR WOOLY, "7,500.00", SOFTWARE UNLIMITED INC, "SPORTS FACILIKTY MAINTENANCE, LLC", 550.20, STEINY'S GENERAL STORE, "1,985.03", "SWANSON, WESTON ", 33.05, SYSCO FOOD SERVICES, 180.47, "TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC", 3.25, "TOMKA, KENNY ", 431.76, VERIZON WIRELESS, 22.54, WINNELSON, 117.40, "WOLF, HAILEY ", "1,550.20", ZEARN, "2,250.00", Fund Total: $65,437.45" SPECIAL BUILDING FUND, ABC ABATEMENT, "10,000.00", BOYD JONES CONSTRUCTION CO., "1,216, 443.78", "CERTIFIED TESTING SERVICES, INC.", "3,187.00", CLARK & ENERSEN, "13,534.00", JK WEBSTER EXCAVATING LLC, "5,886.43", Fund Total:$1,249,051.21 SCHOOL LUNCH FUND HARRIS SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, "1,387.72", INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS, "2,714.56", "4,102.28", Fund Total:$4,102.28 ZNEZ LMS 08-24-23