The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, July 17, 2023 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland and …


The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, July 17, 2023 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland and Elementary Principal MacKenzie Charling. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and noted the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was properly posted and/or published by advance Public Notice in accordance with Board Policy #2008 with notice and advance agenda given to the President of the Board and all members prior to the meeting date. Magnusson moved that Marilee Groth, Dane Johnson, Gus Ray and Henry Unwin are absent, excused. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-5; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. ROLL CALL Roll Call was called with the following members present: Brett Johnson, Kiley Johnson, Tim Magnusson, Diane Pelan-Johnson and Aaron Anderson. REGULAR AGENDA President Anderson welcomed 1 visitor. No one addressed the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Kiley Johnson moved that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Brett Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-5; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. Items included in the consent agenda included the approval of the July 17, 2023 meeting agenda and the approval of minutes from the June 12, 2023 regular school board meeting. Gus Ray arrived at 8:02. PURCHASE OF JR./SR. HIGH SEL CURRICULUM Mrs. Bland reviewed the bid for the new SEL curriculum. Magnusson moved to approve the purchase of the Jr./Sr. High Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum not to exceed $12,000 as presented. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-6; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. REVIEW AND APPROVE CLAIMS Brett Johnson moved to approve the claims as presented which were claims from the General Fund in the amount of $65,536.59; Lunch Fund in the amount of $1,043.88 and Building Fund in the amount of $3,400.00. Gus Ray seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-6; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT Mrs. Bland reviewed the information on the treasurer’s report. ACCESS ADDITIONAL PROPERTY TAX AUTHORITY Superintendent Bland explained the changes in legislation that gives us the option to access additional property tax authority. After much discussion, Ray moved to approve and grant access to additional property tax authority not to exceed 7% as calculated and certified by the Nebraska Department of Education. Magnusson seconded the motion. This will be discussed again at the August 14, 2023 board meeting. There was no further discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-6; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF STAFF, AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM, AND STUDENT HANDBOOKS Magnusson moved to approve the Staff, Afterschool Program, and Student Handbooks for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Brett Johnson seconded the motion. Mrs. Bland gave a brief summary of changes to each of the handbooks. There was much discussion regarding the Secondary Good Attendance Program 2nd Semester. It was the consensus of the Board to have this changed to allow missing no more than 4 days of school during the semester to avoid taking semester tests for the 2nd semester. Voting results were: For Motion-6; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. FOOD SERVICE PRICES FOR THE 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR Brett Johnson moved that the school food service prices for the 2023-2024 school year be set as follows: $2.85 for elementary student lunch; $3.05 for 7th – 12th grade student lunch; $1.65 for elementary student breakfast; $1.65 for 7th – 12th grade student breakfast; $0.30 for reduced price breakfast; $0.40 for reduced price lunch; $0.50 for milk; $2.30 for adult breakfast; and $4.25 for adult lunch. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. Voting results were: For Motion-6; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. BLEACHER/CABLE REPAIRS Superintendent Bland explained that the bleachers and basketball hoop cables had been inspected and reviewed the inspection reports. After some discussion, Magnusson moved to approve the full bleacher and cable repairs as presented in an amount not to exceed $10,500.00. Ray seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-6; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. P2T LEVY FOR 2023-23 SCHOOL YEAR Superintendent Bland reported that the P2T levy for the upcoming year will be $0.01 and reviewed the P2T budget. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS There were no Board member reports. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS No committees have met. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Principal Charling gave a shout out to the summer cleaning crew. The building looks and smells great! Estimated 2023-2024 PK-6th grade enrollment is 223 students. Principal Burton gave a shout out to Mrs. Penke and the FFA Officer Team for all of their hard work getting the Burt County Agricultural Education Center ready for the fair. Anticipated 7-12 enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is 178. Mrs. Burton provided a list of upcoming trainings and events. Superintendent Bland updated the status on many of the projects that are being worked on this summer. Mrs. Bland reported that we have an opening for a high school library para, high school life skills para and a kitchen staff member. The Year 1 Progress Analysis of our strategic plan was reviewed. Mrs. Bland provided a list of board development opportunities. Mrs. Bland ended her report by reporting her available vacation and sick leave. There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Anderson adjourned this meeting at 9:15 p.m. Secretary, Julie Ehlers GENERAL FUND AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC., $6,425.95 ANDY'S QUIK STOP, $142.15 APPLE INC, $3,799.00 BECKER'S, $169.72 BLAND, JESSICA, $89.79 BOMGAARS, $41.15 BURT COUNTY MUSEUM, $108.00 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, $272.50 CDW-GOVERNMENT INC, $417.09 CENTRAL VALLEY AG, $798.29 CHEM TECH PEST SOLUTIONS, $150.00 CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC, $486.13 CITY OF OAKLAND, $944.37 CLASSIC CLEAN CAR WASH, $46.00 COMPANION CORP, $1,896.00 CROWNE PLAZA KEARNEY, $1,044.30 DEMCO, $194.01 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, $1,216.91 ESU 2, $20.00 ESU COORDINATING COUNCIL, $660.00 FASTWYRE BROADBAND, $274.72 FIRST BANKCARD, $2,499.16 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC, $1,108.23 FOOD PRIDE, $23.43 FREDRICKSON, EDWARD, $189.03 GAHAN, GREGG, $236.39 GOPHER SPORTS, $347.09 GRACENOTES LLC, $208.31 GREAT LAKES SPORTS, $177.48 HAND2MIND, $16.99 HEGGERTY, $79.00 HELENA CHEMICAL CO, $281.41 HOLIDAY INN-KEARNEY, $124.95 HOMETOWN LEASING, $1,369.51 INSTITUTE FOR MULTI-SENSORY EDUCATION, $100.95 JOHNNY'S SELECTED SEEDS, $51.30 JOURNEYED.COM, INC, $1,378.00 K C PARTS, $287.01 LAB-AIDS, INC, $232.96 LAKESHORE, $65.52 LAUNCH PAD CHILDREN'S MUSEUM, $192.00 LEARNING WITHOUT TEARS, $338.40 MENARDS, $385.05 MIDWEST TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND SERVICE, $1,228.81 NASCO, $591.12 NCSA, $370.00 NEBRASKA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, $8.50 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER, $4,377.70 NEBRASKA SAFETY CENTER, $125.00 NEBRASKA SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION, $150.00 OAKLAND EXPRESS, $49.00 OAKLAND INDEPENDENT, $117.70 PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING, $60.00 PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, $29.97 QUIKPATCH, $1,000.00 REALLY GOOD STUFF, LLC, $96.97 REVOLVING ACCOUNT, $504.00 REXROAD, MARC, $33.83 SAVE MORE MARKET, $600.25 SCHOLASTIC INC, $454.79 SCHRAMM EDUCATION CENTER, $170.00 SCOTT'S HARDWARE, $777.02 SIMPLE BLOSSOMS, $89.80 SOCIAL INSTITUTE, THE, $12,000.00 SPORTSMAN LAKE LLC, $7,500.00 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE, $1,796.50 STEINY'S GENERAL STORE, $1,213.00 SUNBURST DIGITAL, INC, $385.00 TRAFERA HOLDINGS, LLC, $475.50 UNL EXTENSION, $157.89 UNL, $135.00 US OMNI & TSACG COMPLIANCE SERVICES, $20.90 WARDS NATURAL SCIENCE, $524.17 WOODRIVER ENERGY LLC, $510.61 XTRA SOCCER ACADEMY, $775.00 ZELENY, AUNBREA, $285.36 MAGIC-WRIGHTER, INC. , $34.95 $65,536.59 LUNCH FUND AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC., $72.96 APPEARA, $49.59 HILAND DAIRY, $245.95 RUDA SEPTIC, LLC, $275.00 SYSCO LINCOLN, $400.38 $1,043.88 BUILDING FUND PETERSON, BRYSON, $3,400.00 $3,400.00 ZNEZ OI 8-10-23