The regular monthly meeting of the Oakland Heights Board of Directors convened in open and public session on August 16, 2023 in the Oakland Heights Conference Room. Notice of the meeting was made …


The regular monthly meeting of the Oakland Heights Board of Directors convened in open and public session on August 16, 2023 in the Oakland Heights Conference Room. Notice of the meeting was made public in advance thereof by posting notice in three places, one of the designated methods for giving advance notice. Minutes of the July 19, 2023 meeting were approved as distributed. A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by President, Judy Schernikau at 8:30am. Present were Randy Johnson, Rosa Schmidt, Kathy Rennerfeldt, and Dan Tanksley, Jr. Also in attendance was Administrator David Deemer and he was asked to present and lead discussion on the agenda. A change in life insurance carriers through the City of Oakland will be available to team members interested in participating. A need to erase a small debt from accounts receivables was presented to the Board. A total of $3,330.99 was accumulated due to a level of care determination that missed the deadline. The debt is allowed to be erased by the board members signatures. The State Fire Marshal completed an annual inspection of Oakland Heights Assisted Living on August 1, 2023. The inspection resulted in no deficiencies. Oakland Heights was granted $85,000 by the Donald E Nielsen Foundation. The board would like to thank the selection committee for this assistance with upcoming improvement projects. The Heights recently had to purchase a replacement lift with a scale for the Spa area in the amount of $7,593. Administrator, David Deemer is continuing to work with Alliant Group to receive funds associated with the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC). State surveyor inspectors arrived on August 9, 2023 for their annual inspection through the Department of Health & Human Services. The health inspection is to be completed by August 15, 2023. The final report will be available to the board at the September meeting. The replacement of one of the A/C units is expected in the fall or early spring. Oakland Heights has had no positive cases of COVID in the nursing home or assisted living since May. Oakland Heights census is 38. Assisted Living is currently at 17 with 7 beds available. Oakland Heights is fully-staffed at this time with no openings. Incident summaries were reviewed and the financials were distributed. A motion to pay warrants was made from Randy Johnson with a second from Kathy Rennerfeldt. Motion carried. There being no further business to transact, Kathy Rennerfeldt moved for adjournment with a second from Rosa Schmidt. On roll call all ayes motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45am. Respectfully submitted, Dan Tanksley, Jr., Secretary OAKLAND HEIGHTS JULY 2023 WARRANTS 2ND STREET STATION; 209.63 ACCESS SYSTEMS; 1086.80 AMAZON; 1159.26 AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORP; 1371.56 ANDYS QUIK STOP; 528.76 BLACK HILLS ENERGY; 186.47 CASSANDRA THOMPSON; 34.95 CENTURYLINK; 98.99 CHELSEY LOOMIS; 50.00 CHM COMPUTER SERVICES INC; 216.00 CITY OF OAKLAND; 300.27 CONSONUS PHARMACY; 3826.79 CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES INC; 2008.78 CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES; 84.97 DAVID DEEMER; 207.63 DE LAGE LANDEN PUBLIC FINANCE LLC; 735.51 DENISE JOHNSON; 42.59 DEXYP/THRYV; 19.50 DHHS QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT; 11214.00 DIRECT SUPPLY; 460.99 DOLLAR GENERAL - REGIONS 410526; 32.10 ECOLAB INC; 263.81 ELECTRONIC CONTRACTING COMPANY; 378.99 EMPOWER WELLS FARGO; 6163.34 ESSENTIAL SCREENS; 259.94 FASTWYRE BROADBAND; 1794.81 FIRST NORTHEAST BANK OF NEBRASKA; 35.00 GAYLE E PETERSON; 750.00 GRAINGER; 59.70 GREATER OMAHA REFRIGERATION; 1113.41 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE LD; 254.95 HILAND DAIRY; 1356.93 HOODMASTERS FIRE & SAFETY INC; 344.90 HSA AUTO DEDUCTION; 3200.00 IONOS INC; 19.00 JENNINGS HEATING, AIR & PLUMBING; 595.49 JESSICA JONES; 50.00 JODON'S; 118.77 K-C PARTS & REPAIR; 190.41 KNAUSS HANDYMAN & CONSTRUCTION; 1273.95 LAWRENCE RECRUITING SPECIALISTS INC; 12144.38 LYNN BLOMQUIST; 215.10 MATRIXCARE INC; 4190.15 MCKESSON; 6799.88 MCS MY CENTRAL SUPPLY; 468.44 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES LP; 469.71 MEMORYCO; 278.40 NATIONWIDE; 6653.48 NEBRASKA CHILD SUPPORT AUTO PAYMENT; 579.94 NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; 7946.54 NEBRASKA DEPT OF REVENUE SALES TAX; 201.66 NEBRASKA GAME & PARKS; 31.00 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER; 3305.70 NEBRASKA TOTAL CARE; 196.74 NELSON FOOD PRIDE; 1368.11 NICHOLE HEPPNER; 1608.84 NUSTEP.COM; 118.73 OAKLAND HEIGHTS BUS TRANSPORTATION ACCT; 443.61 OAKLAND INDEPENDENT; 25.00 OAKLAND LUMBER LLC; 54.30 PAPER TIGER SHREDDING INC; 35.00 PENNER PATIENT CARE SYSTEMS; 7593.00 PLUNKETTS PEST CONTROL INC; 177.82 PREMIUM PROCESSING; 2036.48 SAMS CLUB; 479.85 SAVE MORE MARKET; 399.74 SCOTTS HARDWARE LLC; 325.19 SETH ANDERSON; 52.00 STERICYCLE INC; 120.97 SYSCO; 15130.02 TALX UMC SERVICES INC; 295.49 THE HOME DEPOT PRO; 2463.30 TOTAL FIRE & SECURITY INC; 268.00 ULINE; 551.91 UNITED HEALTHCARE SERVICES; 16661.33 UNITED STATES TREASURY; 48451.34 US POST OFFICE OAKLAND; 17.15 VIKKI MCNEIR; 50.00 WALMART; 230.23 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF NEBRASKA INC; 329.04 WEST BEND MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY; 3232.30 WEST POINT NEWS; 378.00 WOLKEN THERAPY & WELLNESS LLC; 22158.54 WORKPLACEPRO; 894.90 TOTAL JULY WARRANTS; 211530.26 ZNEZ OI 08-31-23