The Board of Education of the Lyons-Decatur School District No. 20 met in regular session on Monday, September 9, 2024. Present were Archer, Bacon, Brehmer, Christiansen, Miller, Myers, Petersen, …


The Board of Education of the Lyons-Decatur School District No. 20 met in regular session on Monday, September 9, 2024. Present were Archer, Bacon, Brehmer, Christiansen, Miller, Myers, Petersen, Troutman, and Vlach. Lisa Christiansen opened the meeting at 7:34 p.m. Superintendent Report: The NASB area meeting will be held in Fremont on September 25th and the state conference will be held November 20th – 22nd in Omaha. The P2T board will meet on Monday, September 16th in West Point and the budget committee is recommending a .8580 cent levy for 2024-25. We had 7 students leave the district and 18 new students enroll from the end of 23-24 to the start of 24-25. We will have a punch list walk through with the building and grounds committee on October 9th at 2:30 p.m. Principal Report: Professional development time has been spent on curriculum, pacing guides, and standards. We currently have 58 students enrolled in our PAWS after school program. We have 10 students attending P2T this year and 45 dual/college classes being taken by 30 different juniors and seniors. Please check our website and social media pages for all the great work our students and staff are doing. The following motions were made: 1. To approve the consent agenda. 2. Approve the resolution to approve the base growth percentage of the property tax request authority for the district. 3. To approve the 2024-2025 school district budget, as presented. 4. To approve the 2024-2025 tax request resolution. There is a P2T board meeting on Monday, September 16th at 6:30 p.m. in West Point. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 14th at 7:30 p.m. Lisa Christiansen closed the meeting at 8:01 p.m. Lyons-Decatur Northeast School GENERAL FUND A/C DEPT BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF NE, "1,138.35", AC&R SPECIALISTS, 142.10, ACTIVITY FUND, "2,029.20", AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, "1,987.49", AMAZON, 17.10, APPEARA, 60.92, "BEAUDETTE, LINDSEY ", 392.62, BSN SPORTS, "4,030.76", CITY OF LYONS, "4,973.56", CLASSIC CLEAN CARWASH, 23.00, CLEARFLY, 130.24, CNA AUTO SERVICES, "3,693.62", EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #2, "7,500.00", EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #6, 260.00, FASTWYRE, 39.58, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA, "2,195.20", FRANCISCAN HEALTHCARE, 145.00, FUN AND FUNCTION, "2,709.62”, “HDSUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE, LTD”, “1,328.52", HOMETOWN LEASING, 691.87, "KANSAS CITY AUDIO-VISUAL, INC”, “1,950.00”, “KB'S MINI MART, INC.”, “2,176.19", KSB SCHOOL LAW, 108.00, LIFE TRACK SERVICES, 275.00, LIVESTOCK.JUDGING.COM, 300.00, LYONS MIRROR SUN, 226.10, "MATHESON TRI-GAS, INC", 550.43, N A S B, 40.00, NASB ALICAP, "149,956.00", NEBRASKA FFA ASSOCIATION, 25.00, ONE SOURCE, 296.00, "OTC BRANDS, INC.", 68.01, PITNEY BOWES INC, 400.00, PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL, 60.04, QUILL CORPORATION, 186.54, RED'S WELDING, 100.00, "RUFF HOUSE, FEC", 728.00, STEINY'S GENERAL STORE, 154.47, "TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC”, “1,887.75", TURNITIN, "1, 717.00", WEST POINT NEWS, 252.00, Fund Total:$194,945.28 SPECIAL BUILDING FUND, AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, "1,745.21”, “BEAUDETTE, LINDSEY ", 76.53, BOYD JONES CONSTRUCTION CO., "287,889.56", CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC, 247.95, CLARK & ENERSEN, "15,513.13", DECKER EQUIPMENT, 585.48, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA, 756.45, "KANSAS CITY AUDIO-VISUAL, INC”, “2,687.89", MENARDS - SIOUX CITY, 42.18, OFFICE INTERIORS & DESIGN, "1,545.57”, “PRIORITY COMMUNICATIONS & SOLUTIONS, INC”, “2,966.00”, “VONDRAK, RICHARD ", 590.00, Fund Total:$314,645.95 SCHOOL LUNCH FUND AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, 77.98, CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING, "2,798.10”, “HDSUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE, LTD", 19.29, HILAND DAIRY FOODS COMPANY LLC, "2,684.84", LYONS SAVEMORE MARKET, "1,337.33", MY CENTRAL SUPPLY, 222.29, SYSCO FOOD SERVICES, "14,700.12", Fund Total:$21,839.95 ZNEZ LMS 09-19-24