The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, August 16, 2021 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland, …


The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, August 16, 2021 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland, Elementary Principal April Lutz and Secondary Principal Michelle Burton. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and noted the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was properly posted and/or published by advance Public Notice in accordance with Board Policy #2008 with notice and advance agenda given to the President of the Board and all members prior to the meeting date. Magnusson moved that Henry Unwin is absent, excused. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-8; Against Motion-0; Other-1. Motion carried. ROLL CALL Roll Call was called with the following members present: Dan Gramke, Marilee Groth, Brett Johnson, Dane Johnson, Diane Pelan-Johnson, Kiley Johnson, Tim Magnusson and Aaron Anderson. REGULAR AGENDA President Anderson welcomed 3 visitors. Ellen Magnusson addressed the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Magnusson moved that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Brett Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-8; Against Motion-0; Other-1. Motion carried. Items included in the consent agenda included the approval of August 16, 2021 meeting agenda; approval of claims from the General Fund in the amount of $92,103.46, the Lunch Fund in the amount of $489.84 and the Building Fund in the amount of $35,801.35; and the approval of minutes from the July 12, 2021 regular school board meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT Mrs. Bland reviewed the information on the treasurer’s report. Henry Unwin arrived at 8:10 p.m. KITCHEN EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Superintendent Bland reviewed the quote received from Sysco for serving counter equipment. Much discussion followed. Brett Johnson moved to approve the purchase of the proposed kitchen equipment not to exceed $22,000.00. Groth seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0; Other-0. Motion carried. UPDATE ON COVID-19 PLANNING FOR THE 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR Mrs. Bland asked for public comment on the proposed changes to spending of the ARP-ESSER III funds. No one addressed the Board. After some discussion, it was decided that staff will use their regular sick leave for any Covid absences. Administration can make exceptions on a case by case basis. Quarantine procedures will be followed at the direction of the health department. APPROVAL OF POLICY UPDATES Diane Pelan-Johnson moved that Policy 2004 – Oath of Office; Policy 2007 – Reimbursement and Miscellaneous Expenditures; Policy 209 – Public Participation at Board Meetings and Policy 2010 – Preparation for Board Meetings be approved as presented. Magnusson seconded the motion. Mrs. Bland explained the changes made to the policies. After much discussion, it was decided to table the approval of Policy 2015 – Student Member of School Board until a future meeting. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0; Other-0. Motion carried. ADULT FOOD SERVICE PRICES FOR THE 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR Brett Johnson moved that the adult food service prices for the 2021-2022 school year be set as follows: $2.40 for adult breakfast; and $4.00 for adult lunch. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0; Other-0. Motion carried. CERTIFIED STAFF EVALUATION INSTRUMENT Diane Pelan-Johnson moved to approve the certified staff evaluation tool beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. Magnusson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0; Other-0. Motion carried. CLASSIFIED STAFF WAGES AND/OR BENEFIT PACKAGE After much discussion, this item was tabled until the August 24th special meeting. ENGINEERING CONTRACT TO PROVIDE GRADING AND SWPPP PLANS (DIRT WORK ON OLD PRACTICE FOOTBALL FIELD) Discussion was held regarding converting the old practice field into additional parking in the future. Magnusson moved to approve the contract with DLR to provide the engineering as presented with a cost not to exceed $8,500. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0; Other-0. Motion carried. PRIORITIZATION OF BUS BARN BUILDING Discussion was held regarding the building of a new bus barn facility and plans were put on pause for at least one more year. BUDGET HEARING DATE Groth moved to set the date of the Budget Hearing for September 13, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. Dane Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0; Other-0. Motion carried. PROPERTY TAX LEVY HEARING DATE Diane Pelan-Johnson moved to set the date of the Property Tax Levy Hearing for September 13, 2021 immediately following the Budget Hearing. Unwin seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0; Other-0. Motion carried. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS There were no board member reports. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS No committees have met. Magnusson reported that the Building/Grounds/Transportation committee will meet before the September Board meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Principal Lutz officially began her responsibilities as elementary principal on August 1, 2021. Ms. Lutz thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend Administrator Days. Sheena Riedy has been hired as an elementary and after school program para. Mrs. Natalie Guenther will be teaching 2nd grade this year since it was decided not to split 3rd grade. Projected enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is 216. Principal Burton reported that Glen Thummel and Ryann Schuman have been hired as secondary paras. Burton provided a schedule of fundraisers and overnight trips that have been approved for the upcoming school year. Anticipated 7-12 enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is 193. Mrs. Burton provided a list of upcoming trainings and events. Superintendent Bland reported that most of the projects on the summer list have been completed. Mrs. Bland gave an update on the football field bleachers. We are still hoping they can be picked up by August 28th but shipping delays could push that date back some. Superintendent Bland reported that it is a legal requirement that we allow students that identify as the opposite biological sex have the right to use the bathroom of their choosing; however, there are still procedures in place to involve parents in the decision. She noted that we do not have gender neutral bathrooms or locker rooms but will follow all laws and regulations. BOARD PLANNING SESSION Superintendent Bland reported on the budget work that she has completed and reminded the board of the budget planning meeting on Tuesday, August 24th at 6:00 p.m. There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Anderson adjourned this meeting at 9:17 p.m. Secretary, Julie Ehlers GENERAL FUND AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. $822.64 AMERICAN BROADBAND CLEC $190.10 BINSWANGER GLASS $566.75 CDW-GOVERNMENT INC $2,320.19 CENTRAL VALLEY AG $1,071.39 CHEM TECH PEST SOLUTIONS $150.00 CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC $530.00 CITY OF OAKLAND $1,205.31 COMPANION CORP $1,648.00 COURT FLOORS LLC $1,600.00 DEMCO $284.41 DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE INC $233.80 DOLLAR GENERAL-REGIONS 410526 $45.37 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS $12,551.76 ENGELHARDT TV $115.00 ESU 2 $2,081.71 ESU 5 $2,449.17 ESU COORDINATING COUNCIL $660.00 ESU10 $2,447.56 FIREGUARD, INC $2,704.90 FIRST BANKCARD $1,203.34 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC $22.74 FRAHM TREE SERVICE $450.00 GENE STEFFY AUTO GROUP $866.45 GREATER AMERICA DISTRIBUTING, INC $88.78 HINELINE, CURT $114.40 HOLIDAY INN-KEARNEY $999.60 HOME DEPOT PRO, THE $1,319.50 HOMETOWN LEASING $1,943.05 JENNINGS HEATING, AIR & PLUMBING $245.00 JOURNEYED.COM, INC $500.00 K C PARTS $5,378.76 KSB SCHOOL LAW $421.00 LANE TREE SERVICE $900.00 LEARN2MOVE, LLC $547.55 LEARNING WITHOUT TEARS $234.00 LEE AGRI-MEDIA $104.00 LOU'S SPORTING GOODS $1,735.30 LUTZ, APRIL $37.64 MENARDS $371.05 NASCO $54.70 NCSA $830.00 NEBRASKA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION $14.00 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER $6,444.21 NEBRASKA SAFETY CENTER $550.00 NEIBURG, TERRY $30.16 OAKLAND INDEPENDENT $380.26 OAKLAND LUMBER LLC $130.70 PAPER TIGER SHREDDING $58.50 PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING $64.00 POPULAR SUBSCRIPTION $417.66 RAMSEY SOLUTIONS $919.84 RASMUSSEN MACH SERV $1,665.45 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES $76.34 SCOTT'S HARDWARE $1,391.79 SECOND STREET STATION $85.74 SHARP LINE SERVICES LLC $1,395.00 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS $492.15 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED INC $7,745.00 STROMQUIST MASONRY $225.00 Studies Weekly $10,716.50 SYMMETRY ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC $4,733.27 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION $247.00 TSA CONSULTING GROUP, INC. $10.45 UNWIN, MEGAN $20.00 WORTHINGTON DIRECT $2,217.57 MAGIC-WRIGHTER, INC. $27.95 $92,103.46 LUNCH FUND AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. $198.89 JENSEN PLUMBING AND HEATING IN $290.95 $489.84 BUILDING FUND CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC $1,301.02 EGAN SUPPLY $27,279.50 STROMQUIST MASONRY $3,385.83 TCF TILE & STONE, LLC $3,695.00 UHING CONSTRUCTION $140.00 $35,801.35 ZNEZ OI 9-2-21